New Neighbors Program Launch Date Set!

Monday, August the 12th will mark the first national mailing of a program that promises to help piano dealers dominate the new homeowners segment in their marketplace! CEO of Direct Success Enterprises and Prospects International, Jack Klinefelter, is proud to announce that this innovative, integrated program is exclusively available per marketplace. The campaigns involved in the national launch will be set up in July to serve that early August date. There is still room for exclusive market development in available territories and the ability to participate in the introductory pricing and launch if you contact Jack previous to July 15.

“Bringing the integration between the old dependable direct mail vehicle and the new digital marketing mouse trap is exciting. We began experiencing advantages during special weekend sales events with the marriage of targeted mail and digital lead generation several years back and are excited to apply that technique to this vital segment, which has such a strong history of purchasing pianos. I am impressed (and relieved) that we chose to create a method that has been so readily accepted by so many dealers in so many markets. They, this consortium of clients, will help us figure out the very best ways to market “ongoing” to the new homeowners and build relationships before the competition can by being proactive, and ultimately outsell them.”

I, Lauren Maynes, will be in charge of supervising the direct mail component of the campaign which is based upon mailing “deeds of trust” addresses recorded at the courthouses monthly. The home values, set by new homeowner purchase prices, will allow our clients to be in contact with the nicest new homes being purchased in their respective trade areas.

Our sister company “Prospects International” will handle the digital lead generation routing, automated follow ups and ongoing marketing strategies. Jack’s partner, Joey Bouza, and Jack will be available to help create and deploy strategies to deepen new homeowner relationships and keep clients in front of this very active piano buying group of consumers. We are proud to bring this innovative and pragmatic program to the industry. Please contact Jack if you would like a complimentary marketplace analysis to show you how many wealthy new homeowners are moving into homes in your area.

At Your Service,

Lauren Maynes
Assistant to the CEO
Direct Success Enterprises

Posted on June 27, 2019 in Articles

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About the Author

Jack is a thirty year marketing and sales veteran with an insatiable appetite for contributing to the sales success of others. After leaving Cox communications in the late eighties Jack has serviced clients such as: Goodyear, Allstate, Verizon Wireless, Steinway & Sons, and numerous independent businesses. His knack for creating targeted strategies has endeared him to clients who he has been privileged to service in many instances for over two decades. Jack is dedicated to offering his experience to help business persons navigate the ever-changing market place and deliver programs which aid their opportunities to grow. "If you're standing still, you're backing up!" he states. The integration of direct mail with digital marketing is the most exciting new method for businesses to use and engage their potential buyers through. Jack is proud to assist in bringing to market cost effective programs that independents can use to reach their best prospects.

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