New Neighbors 2.0

Direct Success Enterprises and Prospects International are taking direct response mail and digital marketing integration to a whole new level! 

On the backs of our inaugural clients we are launching New Neighbors 2.0 with the most impressive capabilities ever offered. After months of learning the response proclivities of the new homeowners in several markets we are taking that knowledge and greatly expanding the capabilities of the New Neighbors program with the new version set to launch the third week of May 2020.

What have we learned thus far?

That 16.8% of the new homeowners mailed took the time and effort to type in a URL published on a postcard from the piano industry. Approximately 6.3% of the nation, all ages included, or 21 million people currently play the piano on some level. Online piano interest averages 4%. The new homeowners exhibit 4.2 X’s that national average, we have proven that this segment is as concentrated as we believed it to be.

We have also proven through reported sales from clients that large unit sales are typical from this small pool. We have learned that they are as diversified in their manner of responding as expected. One large piano sale came from a phone call, one from a text and one an email. The small and intermediate sales have not been tracked but we suspect they come from a mixture of response types as well.

How will 2.0 be improved from the original New Neighbors program?

In addition to the direct mail sent to the highest home values in the marketplace, two new digital components will be added to the strategy:

  • Using a new proprietary mixture of GoogleAds and Social Media, we are targeting individuals exhibiting new homeowner behavior in the top income generating zip codes. This expanded coverage will be added for a modest (because it is a smaller pool to circulate through with frequency) ad dollar expenditure.
  • Billing will be simplified. There will no longer be a separate quarterly postage escrow invoice. The postage will be a part of the per household cost of the monthly billing based upon the exact amount of new homeowners mailed. The digital billing will be set and sent via email monthly based upon the agreed upon, appropriate ad dollars needed to effectively harvest the new homeowners in any given market.
  • We now have a history of offers which work best. We are therefore more qualified to advise you on the best way to “get the fish on the hook.” 
The end goal of 2.0:

Adding these digital elements will allow frequency and a broader coverage never before available when marketing the new homeowners segment. The performance numbers verified with version 1.0 gave us the momentum and motivation to continue, improve and expand the program. We will now have a comprehensive, three pronged  approach, whose performance goal will be to triple the amount of leads therefore sales opportunities previously provided by New Neighbors. The new and improved volume of  leads will be emailed to you via regular lead notifications and populate into our PianoLeads CRM. The budgets will be slightly higher to those in place. The result? The campaign’s capabilities will triple.

For Our Existing Clients

There will be no setup fee, your new strategy for review and approval is forthcoming.

For Potential New (Exclusive Per Market) Clients

Please contact us for free marketplace research per element – postal, pay per click and social media. The research will be provided at no charge to those who inquire from non-protected markets.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to innovate new and more efficient ways to get in front of the audiences that are most important to our piano industry business friends.

Keep placing music in people’s lives and we’ll keep improving the tools for your tool box!

Direct Success Ent & Prospect Int

Posted on April 14, 2020 in Uncategorized

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About the Author

Jack is a thirty year marketing and sales veteran with an insatiable appetite for contributing to the sales success of others. After leaving Cox communications in the late eighties Jack has serviced clients such as: Goodyear, Allstate, Verizon Wireless, Steinway & Sons, and numerous independent businesses. His knack for creating targeted strategies has endeared him to clients who he has been privileged to service in many instances for over two decades. Jack is dedicated to offering his experience to help business persons navigate the ever-changing market place and deliver programs which aid their opportunities to grow. "If you're standing still, you're backing up!" he states. The integration of direct mail with digital marketing is the most exciting new method for businesses to use and engage their potential buyers through. Jack is proud to assist in bringing to market cost effective programs that independents can use to reach their best prospects.

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