DSE New Neighbors

A New Homeowners Direct Mail Program

We are proud to introduce DSE’s New Neighbors program! It is an exciting, integrated direct mail campaign allowing you to make a first impression on a key segment of piano buyers. Industry statistics have proven that targeted new homeowners constitute an impressive number of the pianos purchased annually. 28% of all pianos sold are purchased by households who have been in their homes less than 2 years and 22.7% of all weekend sale piano buyers mention they are buying because they have recently moved into a new home!

Here are three important facts to consider:

  1. This program allows you to make a first impression before your competition does. Being “first man in” is a tried and true marketing principle. Dominate this segment and you are well on your way to sales domination in your marketplace.
  2. The Quality of the DSE New Neighbors Data is the best and freshest in the industry. Our data is from deeds of trust and not assumed. It is compiled weekly from the courthouses. This data offers a dependable and high degree of targeting.
  3. New Homeowners are more Receptive to Incentives. These households are most curious about their new surroundings and much more likely to respond to incentives while setting up their new homes. 10 times as receptive!

For a complimentary marketplace study* to identify the most profitable new homeowners in your market area, please fill out the form below:

Fill out my online form.

If your request is denied please refer to our  –  Exclusivity Policy.

Posted on March 6, 2018 in Articles, Sales

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About the Author

Jack is a thirty year marketing and sales veteran with an insatiable appetite for contributing to the sales success of others. After leaving Cox communications in the late eighties Jack has serviced clients such as: Goodyear, Allstate, Verizon Wireless, Steinway & Sons, and numerous independent businesses. His knack for creating targeted strategies has endeared him to clients who he has been privileged to service in many instances for over two decades. Jack is dedicated to offering his experience to help business persons navigate the ever-changing market place and deliver programs which aid their opportunities to grow. "If you're standing still, you're backing up!" he states. The integration of direct mail with digital marketing is the most exciting new method for businesses to use and engage their potential buyers through. Jack is proud to assist in bringing to market cost effective programs that independents can use to reach their best prospects.

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