Category Archive for: Sales

Redefining the Value and Usage of Direct Mail

The term “the Internet” was coined in 1974. It was the year I graduated from high school. The “World Wide Web” was being referenced as early as 1989, the year I moved to Nashville and took a job selling what was then termed “database marketing.” It was targeted direct mail and it had more capabilities…

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DSE New Neighbors

A New Homeowners Direct Mail Program We are proud to introduce DSE’s New Neighbors program! It is an exciting, integrated direct mail campaign allowing you to make a first impression on a key segment of piano buyers. Industry statistics have proven that targeted new homeowners constitute an impressive number of the pianos purchased annually. 28%…

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Direct Mail Resurgence

A decade ago, just before the economic “new normal” descended upon us, I was concerned for the future of our company, Direct Success Enterprises. I watched the decline of TV and newspaper and the surge of the Internet and the phenomenal importance of SEO to the cutting-edge moms and pops. I felt a “For Whom…

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Performing Arts Data Targets Piano Buyers

I will begin this article with an admission. Years ago, I routinely purchased a file on the behalf of our clients entitled “Cultural Subscribers” which ended up being “not as advertised.” My piano selling clients and I knew that musical interest and interest in the arts were key indicators which would help us find a…

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2015 a Banner Year for Direct Mail Globally!

Well, we didn’t see this coming but 2015 was a record-breaking year for mail campaigns at Direct Success Enterprises. We extend a heartfelt Thank You! to all who trusted us to perform direct mail campaigns for their events this past year. It goes without saying, we couldn’t have done it  without you! Tammy and I…

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Piano Industry Reaches out to the House of Worship Market

The past year piano dealers have become more active in the HOW (Houses of Worship) arena. Quality music is such a positive in a worship setting that the increased activity is very understandable.  As dealers and manufacturers spend more time focusing on the institutional opportunities in their market place they morph from conventional retailers into…

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Direct Success Achieved Down Under!

2014 was a year when Direct Success Enterprises expanded their global services to assist in a successful Steinway & Sons Retirement Sale in Perth Australia. In September of this year Ara Vartoukian of Themes and Variations in Sidney/Brisbane hired us to perform targeted direct mail and digital marketing services for a weekend sale which celebrated…

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TES becomes Steinway & Sons “go to” event resource.

When leaving Sherman Clay in 2009 Tony and Connie Thomas were faced with a life altering circumstance, namely; what to do for a living post working for the nation’s largest piano company. Five years after Tony Thomas began offering his consultation and sales  support as an independent resource to piano dealers he has now become…

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Digital Marketing Scores at the Top of the Market!

When first the prospect of using e-mail marketing and social marketing came on the scene it was an exciting option to be able to reach out in such a cost effective manner. For luxury marketers however, it became readily apparent that getting large ticket items sold using these new, less expensive resources was a challenge.…

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2014 Notice: College Sales Still Help Dealers Sell Pianos

We walk a tight rope at DSE to keep interested parties informed but not share proprietary information and maintain our confidential relationship between our clients and ourselves. In light of this please forgive the generalities to follow but understand that the statements posted are firmly embedded in 2014 event result facts. We are the most…

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