Category Archive for: Articles

New Neighbors Program Launch Date Set!

Monday, August the 12th will mark the first national mailing of a program that promises to help piano dealers dominate the new homeowners segment in their marketplace! CEO of Direct Success Enterprises and Prospects International, Jack Klinefelter, is proud to announce that this innovative, integrated program is exclusively available per marketplace. The campaigns involved in…

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Lauren Maynes celebrates first full year at DSE… so does DSE!

On Saturday November 19, my wife Tammy, myself, Lauren’s husband Matt, and Lauren herself sat down at Fleming’s Steakhouse in Tucson to celebrate her first full year of involvement in Direct Success Enterprises.  Lauren was a quick study and after her first full year she’s has taken on 80% of the supervision of the targeted…

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Important Piano Industry Announcement

There is a Major Shift in Event Themes which “Do and Do Not” Work. This is a departure from the norm, yet as CEO of two direct response companies who work side by side in many markets to support weekend sales, I felt compelled to write on this topic which is relevant to both companies,…

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Redefining the Value and Usage of Direct Mail

The term “the Internet” was coined in 1974. It was the year I graduated from high school. The “World Wide Web” was being referenced as early as 1989, the year I moved to Nashville and took a job selling what was then termed “database marketing.” It was targeted direct mail and it had more capabilities…

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Glen Gough, a Piano Life Worth Celebrating.

In the winter of 1992 during the holiday season, my wife Tammy and I were Christmas shopping when she suggested we stop in somewhere and look at pianos. She was wanting to find a keyboard to noodle around on, and that December we walked into American Keyboard Gallery in Antioch, Tennessee (a Nashville suburb) not…

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DSE New Neighbors

A New Homeowners Direct Mail Program We are proud to introduce DSE’s New Neighbors program! It is an exciting, integrated direct mail campaign allowing you to make a first impression on a key segment of piano buyers. Industry statistics have proven that targeted new homeowners constitute an impressive number of the pianos purchased annually. 28%…

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Direct Mail Resurgence

A decade ago, just before the economic “new normal” descended upon us, I was concerned for the future of our company, Direct Success Enterprises. I watched the decline of TV and newspaper and the surge of the Internet and the phenomenal importance of SEO to the cutting-edge moms and pops. I felt a “For Whom…

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Piano Sale Events Make a Comeback with the One-Two Punch of Direct Response Marketing.

The recent past has shown us in the piano industry that weekend sales events can still be an awfully good harvesting tool. Dealers and manufacturers have had to reconfigure their approach by keeping some old methods and kicking some others to the curb. The one-two punch of a well-designed digital marketing campaign and a highly…

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Psychographics and Direct Mail

In the past, demographics were the highest form of targeting. What people look like demographically is still a fundamental component in building a good master mailing list. All those elements – such as age, income, length of residence, presence of children, and home value – can still be very important, but there are other dimensions…

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Performing Arts Data Targets Piano Buyers

I will begin this article with an admission. Years ago, I routinely purchased a file on the behalf of our clients entitled “Cultural Subscribers” which ended up being “not as advertised.” My piano selling clients and I knew that musical interest and interest in the arts were key indicators which would help us find a…

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